Friday, October 7, 2011


Grand Fantasia, for one reason, is very unique because of its Sprite System. Sprites are basically a pet, that follows you around, helps with combat buffs, and more importantly, they can craft your weapons and armors !!

Sprite System is a huge part of Grand Fantasia, so instead of making 5+ posts on just this topic, I decided to link to a very good guide about it. This guide has the various functions of a Sprite, detailing almost every aspect of it with pictures.

Click here to get a very detailed guide about Sprites.

Credits to the original author of the post, dude797, and its contributors.


Character Creation

In this post, I will be covering the details of the character selection screen.

1) Name : Basically the name, your character will be famous or hated for, so choose wisely !!
2) Gender: Pretty obvious,  the gender of your character.
3) Eyes : The types of eyes you want, like raised eyebrows, calm looking eyes, or even closed eyes.
4) Iris : The color of your eyes. *Warning* You can't pick an iris color if you chose closed eyes.
5) Hair : The style you want your hair to be.
6) Color : The color for your hair.
7) Skin : Skin colors.

*Tip* Refer to my post about Sprites before choosing your main sprite. 
8) Sprite : The name for your main sprite.
9) Class : The class for your main sprite. Different classes have different skills.
10) Style : The style of look for your sprite.
11) Eyes : The type of eyes you want for your sprite.
12) Skin : The color you want your sprite to be.

On the right side, are the subclasses for you main classes. Each one shows an armor worn by that class along with a weapon that the class can use.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Starting the Game (Part 2)

 3) Then open the patcher/launcher for the game and it will automatically update.

4) Once its completed patching, click on Start Game and voila !! 


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Starting the Game (Part 1)

So, I'll explain how to download the game, patch, and basically start the game up in this post.

1) Go to the and click on that download button to start the download. (*Tip* - While the game is downloading, if you haven't registered on the website yet, now would be a good time

2) After the download is completed, open the setup file you downloaded and go through the process of the installation.


History of Grand Fantasia

So every RPG game has a history, story, or something behind it.

For Grand Fantasia, the history goes like this.

In the world of "Saphael", mythical creatures(sprites) of the nature lived together with the humans.
Then the humans do the whole "Its not you, its me" thing and break up with nature.

Then comes along certain humans who could communicate with sprites, called Sprite Messengers.
All's well until, the Messengers go rogue and have like "I am better than you" complex.

As you know, that always ends in a fight, and in this case  " THE GREAT SAPHAEL WAR !!!".
The fight lasts generations, so basically just a really looooong war.

Then comes the great-great-great grand children of these Messengers, who wants to be the good guys and restore peace :D

Now whether they achieve that goal or not is up to the players going through the storyline of the game.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Grand Fantasia

Well to describe Grand Fantasia in a sentence....

"It is the best anime-style MMORPG with a great community of players as well as GMs that kicks every other MMO butt"

Yeah, I know, I'm biased. But in the following posts, I will be proving to you why the above statement is true.  Keep coming back to view more information, as I plan to give you tons of it !!!

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Hi to everyone that has visited this blog :D

This blog is created to promote Grand Fantasia, provide strategy guides for players and as well as show videos of daily gaming.

Since I just created this blog, I will start by introducing myself as a player in grand fantasia and share my experiences about it.

I am WizardYu, call me Yu, if you like. I have been playing this game for pretty much since its beta 2-3 years ago. (I know!!)  While I may not be the best or the most experienced player in the game, I certainly have lots of information, tips and strategies on playing the game.
